Prayer Secrets
Jesus taught me how to pray effectively. He said to me, “Go to the depths as I did in prayer. If God does not deliver Me, then I will not be delivered. I rely on God, My Father, in prayer. He will deliver Me out of the depths with resurrection power!”
The Depths
Just as we discussed in the previous chapter, going to the depths as Jesus did in prayer is the first of the prayer secrets. You must pray from that place of depth where you say, just as Jesus said, “If God doesn’t deliver me, then I will not be delivered.”
Whatever it is that is presenting itself to you as being bigger than God, you tell it that it must bow before the God of the universe. Because God knew what you were going to go through already, He has provided a way of escape for you so that you can bear up under it (see 1 Cor. 10:13). So wait on the Lord and let Him be your strength. He will deliver you.
Relinquish Your Will
The second of the prayer secrets is to relinquish your will to the Holy One. This comes as the Holy One cultivates your environment around you as well as within you to create a place where the Trinity will come and dwell. Relinquishing your will comes as you fall in love with Him and He illuminates you in a holy fire. You find yourself being captured by His power and doing His will as all things become clear to you.
Excerpt from Praying from the Heavenly Realms Chapter 21: Prayer Secrets
Click below to read an excerpt from Chapter 22: